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Profile for bunnyconda. Username @bunnyconda,


Some unequal amount of bunny and conda


I post NSFW art sometimes

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Joined on Jul, 2023. 414 posts. Followed by 67. Following 111.

Recent posts

bunnyconda . @bunnyconda,

I want to get a cheap 25-key piano keyboard but of the few I saw, one has an octave swap button (rather than octave up/down) and the others all have USB ports that aren't USB-C and I'm not in the mood to bring yet another USB-Micro device in here

Open thread
bunnyconda . @bunnyconda,

Pro wrestling entrances are so cool; the venue fills with music evoking the spirit of the person coming out; pyro goes off, lights dim and focus on them seemingly at their command, and for a minute or two, you're in their world

Though I'm not much of a fan of how modern WWE plasters their name literally everywhere, it feels too over the top and insincere; the old Attitude-Ruthless Aggression era sets had it just right

Open thread
bunnyconda . @bunnyconda,

Whenever I see posts listing basic features that Mastodon has that Bluesky lacks, with a tone of bewilderment for why people would choose the latter, all it tells me is how negatively people view Masto that they're willing to forego all of those basic things just to avoid it.

Open thread
bunnyconda . @bunnyconda,
big protogen Toggle visibility

Another commission by Kitsovereign

Your snack of choice is "1000 chips delicious". Mine is "1000 12TB chips delicious". We are not the same

Open thread